Updated Airport Pickup and Drop Off Fees


Starting Friday February 8th, you will see charges applied to your Taxicharger account for any drop offs or pick ups performed at John Glenn International Airport, Rickenbacker, and Bolton Field. This is to follow the new procedures put in place by the airport that began January 1st. Please be sure to collect the $4.00 from the customer. You can add the fee to your meter by pressing the extras button on the meter before you cash out. This needs to be done each time you pick a passenger up or drop them off. The airport does not physically collect the money from you unless you have a Meter in your vehicle, and they only do it at pick up. They now bill Yellow Cab at the end of each week for the completed trips.

The first charges are for the entire month of January. Going forward you will see the charges from the previous week.

Please reach out to the Driver Empowerment Team with any questions.