New Blue PTI Vouchers

Attention PTI Drivers!

As of February 1, 2019, all PTI drivers will be required to fill out this new form along with a voucher. This form will give you more room to write down all your stops and wait times.

This will help us ensure that you are being paid for the full trip. Also, it will help cut down on any charge backs. The company will also be making fewer calls to you with questions for trips that are possibly weeks old.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you fill out this additional form because PTI is demanding more accurate information. If we do not receive this form along with your vouchers, chargebacks for the full trip will be given. If the company cannot bill correctly, due to inaccurate information, we cannot get paid. This makes it harder for us to advocate on your behalf. If we cannot prove what services were provided, then we won’t get paid. If we don’t get paid, then unfortunately, we have no choice than to issue chargebacks.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kwin Harville in the accounting department extension 125.

PTI Form.jpg

Thank You for helping us become a more efficient company.