Urgent Message Regarding Trip Accuracy and Chargebacks

To our Valued Driver Partners, 

In these tense and challenging times, it is important for us to look inside – find our strengths and push through the chaos! We all have been challenged with new and difficult personal and professional realities. We want you to know we are as committed to our shared success as ever. 

We must continue to support each other in our respected rolls. Our accounting dept. (the team that makes sure we all get paid), has been overburdened reconciling drivers trips that are not completing trips correctly. 

· Stacking Calls. 

· Ending the trip exactly where the customer exists the vehicle. 

· Turning meters off early or late. 

The reason that this is so critical, is it puts all of us at risk of losing our accounts. 

Our accounting dept. must look at every single trip to make sure we can request payment from our accounts. Our accounts will only accept accurate trips for payment. Otherwise, they will not pay for the trips. 

Common issues are: 

· Billing the wrong Zip code for Senior Options, in some cases billing the client for more miles than they used. 

· If a client runs out of mileage, we will not be able to transport them and we lose that client for the month, less money for you. 

· If a client goes over their mileage too many times, they are kicked out of the senior options program, hence reducing opportunities to service them, and making their lives more difficult. 

For the benefit of our entire organization, we will charge back any trips that are not completed correctly. It is our responsibility to not only take care of ourselves, but each other as well… 

If you do not know how to complete trips correctly, please check back into Driver Development and our team will re-train you what our accounts expect. This policy starts immediately for the good of our whole company. 

Thank you in advance for understanding the vital importance of these changes.