Account Trips No Longer Flagged (Must Read)

To our valued driver partners,

Please be aware we are transitioning to voucherless payments. As we start this process we will focus on the Yellow Vouchers and the following accounts first : 551532, 551790, 200200, & 511725. The most notable exception to this is PTI which will still require you to follow the existing rules.

This means that for all accounts you MUST follow the proper procedures for starting, stopping, and adding destinations to trips. When in doubt contact the dispatchers for help in making any and all changes to valid account trips. Flagged fares that are processed as an account will not be paid, no exceptions. We will be continually improving the process as we go. This is why it is so important for you to read through the driver blog and follow the directions that are on the site. Most importantly the Senior Options video )

If you have not read it, please take time now to familiarize yourself with this process so that you do not have issues once we transition. Please direct any questions you have to the Driver Empowerment Team and we will be happy to help in any way possible.  This transition away from paper will save you time and money  as you will not have to travel to the office in order to get paid for your work!

As with all new things there will be a learning curve but we will work with you to make sure you are comfortable.