VFH License Renewal Now Open


Please be aware that at this time the city’s begun allowing renewals of taxi licenses. If you would like to renew your license you can now do it at this time. Please note that the as the City remains under its State of Emergency, the extension of all eligible VFH driver licenses remains in place. However, those who choose to forfeit the remainder of the extension may apply for the renewal. Please note that per the code, all VFH Driver licenses now expire on the final day of the month occurring twelve months from the date of issuance (e.g. If you are issued a VFH Driver license on October 20, 2020, it will expire October 31, 2021).

Due to the extended closure and unknown date for the reopening of their office, a remote process has been implemented for the VFH driver license renewal. Renewal applications and supporting documentation will be accepted either via mail or email (to vfh@columbus.gov). While the process is different, the requirements remain the same.

Payments can now be made online at https://www.thepayplace.com/cityofcolumbus/licensesection/permitfee/billpreview.aspx. Please be sure to enter your License number when making the payment to ensure the payments gets applied to correct account.

All applicants requiring a BCI background check must find an authorized WebCheck agency (https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Business/Services-for-Business/WebCheck/Webcheck-Community-Listing) to have their BCI background checks done, with the results mailed directly to the License Section office (City of Columbus License Section, 4252 Groves Rd, Columbus, OH 43232). For the Reason Code, please use “Other – Required for City VFH Driver license”. 

The following are required to renew your license:

·         Completed VFH Driver application (signed and notarized)

·         Valid Ohio driver license

·         Current (issued within last 30 days from application submission) driver abstract*

·         Current Letter of Good Standing (either dated after July 15, 2020 or explicitly covering Tax Year 2019)

·         Current (conducted in 2020) BCI background check

·         $60 ($20 application fee + $35 VFH Driver license fee + $5 photo ID fee)

If you have any questions, please contact the License Section at vfh@columbus.gov.

Attached is the application form for your VFH license renewal.