New PTI Back Haul Rule

Drivers, there are some new PTI rules we are now required to follow regarding back haul trips.  These are trips our drivers make when they arrive at the drop off location and there is another crew to transport. For example:  A driver picks up a crew at the Parsons yard and transports them to Marion, upon arrival in Marion he discovers there is a second crew who want to be transported back to Columbus or another city. 

From now on, drivers will need to call into our call center and get authorization to transport the second crew.  After receiving the call from the driver, the dispatcher will need to call PTI and get authorization.  This will not require a new authorization number unless PTI decides to give out a new number.  PTI staff will most likely say yes we authorize to be transported under the same authorization number as the original trip.  The dispatcher will then call the driver back and tell them they can transport.  

We realize that this will increase wait times and there may be times where a dispatcher cannot reach PTI.  However, a driver cannot transport unless he receives authorization first.  If a driver does not follow this new rule, then they will be at risk of receiving full chargebacks.

Also make sure to write associated trip (or trip 1 and trip 2) on both vouchers when transporting back haul trips.