Veteran Affairs and the Service We Provide


As of 1/15/2019 we have won the new contract for Franklin County. This contract includes Senior Options, Veteran Affairs along with Ohio Jobs and Family Services. This post is to give you the information you need regarding the new VA contract.

There are 3 accounts for the Veterans. 

551956- Non Lift

 551900 - Lift

551100 Homemaker Escort

All trips for the VA Account are Flat Rated:

551956- $10 min ---Has $10 NS

551900- $20 min -- Has $10 NS

551100- $35 for the first hour, one hour minimum. $8.75 for each part of 15 min. (These rides will not be placed on the board. You will need First Aid / CPR and speak with the Driver Empowerment Team before being placed on the call list for Escort)--Has $35 NS

First and foremost drivers must offer door to door assistance to their passengers. Clients can only go to a medical destination that is authorized on the dispatch. If there are any questions or issues please contact Dispatch

Before granting a No Show you must wait 10 minutes past scheduled pick up time. You  must go to the door and call the client. If one of these steps is missed the you will not receive payment for a No Show. The whole team at Yellow cab worked really hard to get this account back for the team. It is up to you to deliver the quality and friendly service to these clients. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach to Chris, Mike or Tyler.

Thank you.