People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
— Maya Angelou

At Columbus Yellow Cab, we provide more than a ride. We support and connect our employees, drivers, customers, and community through a commitment to promoting humanity in the way we work and do business. Yellow Cab. Empowering Columbus

This means creating a work environment for our employees that empowers them to be their best selves, develop their skills and provide the services our drivers and community depend on. It means empowering our drivers by providing the technology, tools, training, and support needed to earn a living, delight our customers, and love what you do.

Each day we should create a better life for our customers by giving them an experience created by care, consideration and pride in our work. As a result, we will empower our community in its endeavors to be smart, open and home for all of us!